Modeled on the periodic table of elements, the Periodic Calendar
breaks out seven types of years to create a perpetual calendar system
capable of exploring past, present and future dates as never before.
Hi, my name is Joey Sellers and I’m the creator of the Periodic Calendar.
I’ve been making variations on the traditional wall calendar for a few years now…
But in 2012, the notion of creating a periodic table of time quickly took on a life of its own…
By identifying seven types of years,
each named for the day of the week on which it begins…
…the perpetual functionality of the Periodic Calendar is enabled.
By shifting our focus from the day of the month to the day of the week,
the Periodic Calendar changes our perspective, offering a new way to look at time.
We got the ball rolling with a successful Indiegogo campaign to crowdfund the first edition prints…
…and have since been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, and on Laughing Squid and Mental Floss.
I gave a presentation on my initial research into the calendar at the fine art press & gallery Electric Works,…
… gave a talk at the 2013 Mensa Annual Gathering in July,
and will be exhibiting P-Cal at the World Maker Faire New York in September!
…and this is only the beginning.
What is a Tuesday Year going to be like?
Should you celebrate your birthday or your Birth Element?
What day is it?!
Only time and a Periodic Calendar will tell…